Caitlin Higgins of Scarsdale, NY has received the 2023 Junior League of Central Westchester’s (“JLCW”) Volunteer Service Award. JLCW’s Volunteer Service Awards were awarded to two high school juniors. The award promotes volunteerism and supports young women who have demonstrated a commitment to volunteerism and public service.
Caitlin is the founder of the Students Take Action for Youth Club (STAY) at Scarsdale High
School working to spread prevention messages to her peers. “Caitlin has used the knowledge gained at trainings and workshops to have an impact among her peers in the community. She has helped to organize Prescription Drug Take Back Days, to develop prevention campaigns and was most recently an outspoken advocate at Village Board meetings for opting out of marijuana dispensaries in Scarsdale. Her comments advocating for her peers were powerful and invaluable to the outcome for the entire community,” said Lisa Tomeny, Coordinator for Scarsdale Action for Youth (SAY).
The JLCW is an organization of over 225 women from Eastchester, Greenburgh, Scarsdale and White Plains. For over 75 years, the JLCW has been working with local non-profit organizations to identify community needs and develop effective and responsive programs to serve those needs. The JLCW provides leadership, volunteers and funding for all of our community projects.